1 The Word that gives life
was from the beginning,
and this is the one
our message is about.

Our ears have heard,
our eyes have seen,
and our hands have touched
this Word.

2 The one who gives life appeared! We saw it happen, and we are witnesses to what we have seen. Now we are telling you about this eternal life that was with the Father and appeared to us. 3 We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so you may share in this life with us. And we share in it with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 We are writing to tell you these things, because this makes us truly happy.
God Is Light
5 Jesus told us God is light and doesn't have any darkness in him. Now we are telling you.
6 If we say we share in life with God and keep on living in the dark, we are lying and are not living by the truth. 7 But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus washes all our sins away. 8 If we say we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts. 9 But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.
10 If we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and his message isn't in our hearts.
كلمة الحياة
1 الذي كانَ مِنَ البَدءِ،
الذي سَمِعناهُ ورَأيناهُ بِعُيونِنا،
الذي تأَمّلناهُ ولَمَسَتْهُ أيدينا مِنْ كلِمَةِ الحياةِ،
2 والحياةُ تَجَلّتْ فَرَأيْناها
والآنَ نَشهَدُ لَها ونُبَشّرُكُم بالحياةِ الأبَدِيّةِ
التي كانَت عِندَ الآبِ وتجَلّتْ لَنا،
3 الذي رَأيناهُ وسَمِعناهُ نُبَشّرُكُم بِه
لتَكونوا أنتُم أيضًا شُركاءَنا،
كما نَحنُ شُرَكاءُ الآبِ واَبنِهِ يَسوعَ المَسيحِ.
4 نكتُبُ إليكُم بِهذا ليَكونَ فَرَحُنا كامِلاً.
الله نور
5 وهذِهِ البُشرى التي سَمِعناها مِنهُ ونَحمِلُها إلَيكُم هِيَ أنّ اللهَ نورٌ لا ظَلامَ فيهِ. 6 فإذا قُلنا إنّنا نُشارِكُهُ ونَحنُ نَسلُكُ في الظّلامِ كُنّا كاذِبـينَ ولا نَعمَلُ الحَقّ. 7 أمّا إذا سِرنا في النّورِ، كما هوَ في النّورِ، شارَكَ بَعضُنا بَعضًا، ودَمُ اَبنِهِ يَسوعَ يُطَهّرُنا مِنْ كُلّ خَطيئَةٍ.
8 وإذا قُلنا إنّنا بِلا خَطيئَةٍ خَدَعْنا أنفُسَنا وما كانَ الحَقّ فينا. 9 أمّا إذا اَعتَرَفنا بِخَطايانا فَهوَ أمينٌ وعادِلٌ، يَغفِرُ لَنا خطايانا ويُطَهّرُنا مِنْ كُلّ شَرّ. 10 وإذا قُلنا إنّنا ما خَطِئنا، جَعَلناهُ كاذِبًا وما كانَت كلِمَتُهُ فينا.