Open the Book
The program aims to target children in primary and upper basic schools as well as community children who are not enrolled in schools due to extreme poverty.

Faith Comes By Hearing
This project aims to address the need for audio Bible with the people in The Gambia, particularly those who cannot read well, people with visual disabilities.

Women and girls are a marginalized community, and creating the opportunity to read, write and count will impact them immensely in all spheres of their lives.

Bible marathon challenge
This project is a Bible engagement program designed to cultivate and nurture a Bible-reading culture in the church, homes, schools and the community.

The Wolof Bible translation
This project has been necessitated by the fact that Senegal Wolof and Gambia Wolof are two different languages with different language codes (wol) for Senegalese language and (wof) for Gambian language. There are only Bible portions (1882-1967) in Gambian Wolof.