Descendants de Benjamin habitant à Jérusalem
V. 1-28: cf. No 26:38-41. 1 Ch 7:6-12.
1 Benjamin engendra Béla, son premier-né, Aschbel le second, Achrach le troisième, 2 Nocha le quatrième, et Rapha le cinquième. 3 Les fils de Béla furent: Addar, Guéra, Abihud, 4 Abischua, Naaman, Achoach, 5 Guéra, Schephuphan et Huram. 6 Voici les fils d’Échud, qui étaient chefs de famille parmi les habitants de Guéba, et qui les transportèrent à Manachath: 7 Naaman, Achija et Guéra. Guéra, qui les transporta, engendra Uzza et Achichud. 8 Schacharaïm eut des enfants au pays de Moab, après qu’il eut renvoyé Huschim et Baara, ses femmes. 9 Il eut de Hodesch, sa femme: Jobab, Tsibja, Méscha, Malcam, 10 Jeuts, Schocja et Mirma. Ce sont là ses fils, chefs de famille. 11 Il eut de Huschim: Abithub et Elpaal. 12 Fils d’Elpaal: Éber, Mischeam, et Schémer, qui bâtit Ono, Lod et les villes de son ressort. 13 Beria et Schéma, qui étaient chefs de famille parmi les habitants d’Ajalon, mirent en fuite les habitants de Gath. 14 Achjo, Schaschak, Jerémoth, 15 Zebadja, Arad, Éder, 16 Micaël, Jischpha et Jocha étaient fils de Beria. 17 Zebadja, Meschullam, Hizki, Héber, 18 Jischmeraï, Jizlia et Jobab étaient fils d’Elpaal. 19 Jakim, Zicri, Zabdi, 20 Éliénaï, Tsilthaï, Éliel, 21 Adaja, Beraja et Schimrath étaient fils de Schimeï. 22 Jischpan, Éber, Éliel, 23 Abdon, Zicri, Hanan, 24 Hanania, Élam, Anthothija, 25 Jiphdeja et Penuel étaient fils de Schaschak. 26 Schamscheraï, Schecharia, Athalia, 27 Jaaréschia, Élija et Zicri étaient fils de Jerocham. 28 Ce sont là des chefs de famille, chefs selon leurs générations. Ils habitaient à Jérusalem.
V. 29-40: cf. 1 Ch 9:35-44. 1 S 14:49-51.
29 Le père de Gabaon habitait à Gabaon, et le nom de sa femme était Maaca. 30 Abdon, son fils premier-né, puis Tsur, Kis, Baal, Nadab, 31 Guedor, Achjo, et Zéker. 32 Mikloth engendra Schimea. Ils habitaient aussi à Jérusalem près de leurs frères, avec leurs frères. 33 Ner engendra Kis; Kis engendra Saül; Saül engendra Jonathan, Malki-Schua, Abinadab et Eschbaal. 34 Fils de Jonathan: Merib-Baal. Merib-Baal engendra Michée. 35 Fils de Michée: Pithon, Mélec, Thaeréa et Achaz. 36 Achaz engendra Jehoadda; Jehoadda engendra Alémeth, Azmaveth et Zimri; Zimri engendra Motsa; 37 Motsa engendra Binea. Rapha, son fils; Éleasa, son fils; Atsel, son fils; 38 Atsel eut six fils, dont voici les noms: Azrikam, Bocru, Ismaël, Schearia, Abdias et Hanan. Tous ceux-là étaient fils d’Atsel. 39 Fils d’Eschek, son frère: Ulam, son premier-né, Jeusch le second, et Éliphéleth le troisième. 40 Les fils d’Ulam furent de vaillants hommes, tirant de l’arc; et ils eurent beaucoup de fils et de petits-fils, cent cinquante. Tous ceux-là sont des fils de Benjamin.
More Descendants of Benjamin
1 Benjamin had five sons, who were born in the following order: Bela, Ashbel, Aharah, 2 Nohah, and Rapha. 3 Bela was the father of Addar, Gera, Abihud, 4 Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, 5 Gera, Shephuphan, and Huram.
6-7 Ehud was the father of Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera. They were clan leaders in the town of Geba, but were later forced to move to the town of Manahath, and Gera led the way. He had two sons: Uzza and Ahihud.
8-11 Shaharaim and his wife Hushim had two sons: Abitub and Elpaal. But Shaharaim later divorced her and his other wife, Baara. Then he moved to the country of Moab and married Hodesh, and they had seven sons: Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sachia, and Mirmah. They were all family leaders in his clan. 12 Elpaal was the father of Eber, Misham, and Shemed, who settled the towns of Ono and Lod, as well as the nearby villages.
13 Beriah and Shema were family leaders in the clan that lived in the town of Aijalon and that forced out the people of Gath. 14-16 Beriah's descendants included Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth, Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, Michael, Ishpah, and Joha. 17-18 Elpaal's descendants included Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, Ishmerai, Izliah, and Jobab. 19-21 Shimei's descendants included Jakim, Zichri, Zabdi, Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel, Adaiah, Beraiah, and Shimrath. 22-25 Shashak's descendants included Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zichri, Hanan, Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah, Iphdeiah, and Penuel. 26-27 Jeroham's descendants included Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah, Jaareshiah, Elijah, and Zichri. 28 These were the family leaders in their ancestor's clan, and they and their descendants lived in Jerusalem.
29 Jeiel settled the town of Gibeon. He and his wife Maacah lived there 30 along with their sons, who were born in the following order: Abdon, Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab, 31 Gedor, Ahio, Zecher, 32 and Mikloth the father of Shimeah. Some of them went to live in Jerusalem near their relatives.
The Descendants of King Saul
33 Ner was the father of Kish and the grandfather of King Saul.
Saul had four sons: Jonathan, Malchishua, Abinadab, and Eshbaal. 34 Jonathan was the father of Meribbaal, the grandfather of Micah, 35 and the great-grandfather of Pithon, Melech, Tarea, and Ahaz. 36 Saul's other descendants were Jehoaddah, Alemeth, Azmaveth, Zimri, Moza, 37 Binea, Raphah, Eleasah, Azel, 38 as well as Azel's six sons: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. 39 Azel's brother Eshek was the father of Ulam, Jeush, and Eliphelet. 40 Ulam's sons were brave soldiers who were experts at using a bow and arrows. They had a total of 150 children and grandchildren.
All of these belonged to the tribe of Benjamin.