God Is with Us
1 God is our shelter and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
2 So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken
and mountains fall into the ocean depths;
3 even if the seas roar and rage,
and the hills are shaken by the violence.

4 There is a river that brings joy to the city of God,
to the sacred house of the Most High.
5 God is in that city, and it will never be destroyed;
at early dawn he will come to its aid.
6 Nations are terrified, kingdoms are shaken;
God thunders, and the earth dissolves.

7 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our refuge.

8 Come and see what the Lord has done.
See what amazing things he has done on earth.
9 He stops wars all over the world;
he breaks bows, destroys spears,
and sets shields on fire.
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.
10 “Stop fighting,” he says, “and know that I am God,
supreme among the nations,
supreme over the world.”

11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our refuge.
(A special song by the clan of Korah and for the music leader.)
God Is Our Mighty Fortress
1 God is our mighty fortress,
always ready to help
in times of trouble.
2 And so, we won't be afraid!
Let the earth tremble
and the mountains tumble
into the deepest sea.
3 Let the ocean roar and foam,
and its raging waves
shake the mountains.

4 A river and its streams
bring joy to the city,
which is the sacred home
of God Most High.
5 God is in that city,
and it won't be shaken.
He will help it at dawn.

6 Nations rage! Kingdoms fall!
But at the voice of God
the earth itself melts.
7 The Lord All-Powerful
is with us.
The God of Jacob
is our fortress.

8 Come! See the fearsome things
the Lord has done on earth.
9 God brings wars to an end
all over the world.
He breaks the arrows,
shatters the spears,
and burns the shields.
10 Our God says, “Calm down,
and learn that I am God!
All nations on earth
will honor me.”

11 The Lord All-Powerful
is with us.
The God of Jacob
is our fortress.