صهيون أُمّ الشعوب
1 مزمورٌ لبَني قورَحَ‌. نشيدٌ:
الرّبُّ أسَّسَ مدينتَهُ
على الجبَلِ المُقدَّسِ
2 الرّبُّ يُحِبُّ أبوابَ صِهيَونَ
على جميعِ مَساكنِ بَني يَعقوبَ.
3 بالأمجادِ يا مدينةَ اللهِ
يُحَدَّثُ عنكِ ويُقالُ:
4 «أذكُرُ مِصْرَ‌ وبابِلَ
بَينَ الّذينَ يعتَرِفونَ بـي،
وأعُدُّ بَينَ الّذينَ وُلِدوا في أُورُشليمَ
شعوبَ فِلسطيَّةَ وصُورَ وكوشَ‌».
5 وعَنْ صِهيَونَ سيُقالُ:
«كُلُّ الأُمَمِ وُلِدوا فيها»،
لأنَّ العلـيَّ هوَ الّذي كوَّنَها.
6 الرّبُّ يُدَوِّنُ في كتابِ الشُّعوبِ:
أولئِكَ وُلِدوا هُناكَ.
7 يرقُصونَ ويُنشِدونَ قائِلينَ:
«في صِهيَونَ يَنبُوعُ بَركاتِنا‌».
(A psalm and a song by the clan of Korah.)
The Glory of Mount Zion
1 Zion was built by the Lord
on the holy mountain,
2 and he loves that city
more than any other place
in all of Israel.
3 Zion, you are the city of God,
and wonderful things
are told about you.

4 Egypt, Babylonia, Philistia,
Phoenicia, and Ethiopia
are some of those nations
that know you,
and their people all say,
“I was born in Zion.”

5 God Most High will strengthen
the city of Zion.
Then everyone will say,
“We were born here too.”
6 The Lord will make a list
of his people,
and all who were born here
will be included.

7 All who sing or dance will say,
“I too am from Zion.”