لقاء يعقوب براحيل
1 ونهضَ يعقوبُ ومضَى إلى أرضِ المشرِقِ. 2 ونظَرَ فرأى في البرِّيَّةِ بئرا وثلاثةَ قُطعانٍ مِنَ الغنَمِ رابضةً عِندَها، لأنَّ الرُّعاةَ كانوا يَسقونَ القُطعانَ مِنْ تلكَ البئرِ، والحجَرُ على فَمِ البئرِ كانَ كبـيرا. 3 فكانوا يَجمعونَ القُطعانَ كُلَّها هُناكَ ويُدحرِجونَ الحجَرَ عنْ فَمِ البئرِ، فيَسقونَ الغنَمَ ثمَّ يردُّونَ الحجَرَ إلى موضِعهِ. 4 فقالَ لهُم يعقوبُ: «مِنْ أينَ أنتُم يا إخوتي؟» قالوا: «مِنْ حارانَ». 5 فقالَ لَهم: «أتعرفونَ لابانَ بنَ ناحورَ؟» فقالوا: «نَعرِفُهُ». 6 فقالَ لهُم: «هل هوَ بخيرٍ؟» قالوا: «بِـخيرٍ، وها راحيلُ ا‏بنتُهُ مُقبِلَةً معَ الغنَمِ». 7 فقالَ لهُم: «النَّهارُ طويلٌ بَعدُ، وما الآنَ وقتُ تجميعِ المواشي، فا‏سقوا الغنَمَ وخُذوها إلى المرعَى». 8 قالوا: «لا نقدِرُ حتّى تجتمِـعَ القُطعانُ كُلُّها، ونُدحرِج الحجَرَ عن فَمِ البِئرِ، فنسقي الغنَمَ».
9 وبـينَما هوَ يُحادِثُهُم جاءت راحيلُ معَ غنَمِ لابانَ أبـيها، لأنَّها كانَت راعيةً. 10 فلمَّا رآها يعقوبُ معَ غنَمِ لابانَ خالِه، تقدَّمَ ودحرَجَ الحجَرَ عَنْ فَمِ البئرِ وسقى الغنَمَ. 11 وقبَّلَ يعقوبُ راحيلَ ورفعَ صوتَه وبكى، 12 وأخبرَها أنَّهُ نسيـبُ أبـيها وا‏بنُ رِفقةَ، فأسرعت وأخبرت أباها. 13 فلمَّا سَمِعَ لابانُ خبرَ قدومِ يعقوبَ ا‏بنِ أختِهِ هَبَّ للقائِه فعانقَهُ وقَبَّلَه وجاءَ به إلى بَيتِه. وأخبرَ يعقوبُ لابانَ بكلِّ ما جرى، 14 فقالَ لَه لابانُ: «أنتَ حَقًّا مِنْ عظمي ولَحمي». وأقامَ يعقوبُ عِندَه شهرا.
زواج يعقوب
15 ثُمَّ قالَ لابانُ ليعقوبَ: «ألأنَّكَ نسيـبـي تخدُمُني مَجَّانا؟ أخبرْني ما أُجرتُكَ؟» 16 وكانَ للابانَ ا‏بنتانِ، ا‏سمُ الكُبرى لَيئةُ وا‏سمُ الصُّغرى راحيلُ. 17 وكانَت لَيئةُ ضعيفةَ العينينِ، وراحيلُ حسنَةَ الهَيئةِ جميلةَ المنظَرِ. 18 فأحبَّ يعقوبُ راحيلَ، فقالَ للابانَ: «أخدُمُكَ سَبْعَ سِنينَ وتُعطيني راحيلَ زوجةً لي». 19 فقالَ لابانُ: «أنْ تأخُذَها أنتَ خيرٌ مِنْ أنْ أُعطيَها لِغيرِكَ. فأقمْ عِندي». 20 فخَدمَهُ يعقوبُ سَبْعَ سِنينَ ليأخُذَ راحيلَ، وكانَت هذِهِ المُدَّةُ قصيرةً في نظرهِ لأنَّه كانَ يُحبُّها.
21 وقالَ يعقوبُ للابانَ: «إكتملتِ المُدَّةُ فأعطِني ا‏مرأتي لأتزوَّجَها». 22 فجَمعَ لابانُ كُلَّ أهلِ حارانَ وصنعَ لهُم وليمةً، 23 وعِندَ الغُروبِ أخذَ لَيئةَ بَدلَ راحيلَ وجاءَ بها إلى يعقوبَ فدخلَ علَيها. 24 ووهبَ لابانُ جاريتَه زِلْفةَ لابنتهِ لَيئةَ. 25 فلمَّا طَلعَ الصَّباحُ عرَفَ يعقوبُ أنَّها لَيئةُ، فقالَ للابانَ: «ماذا فعلْتَ بـي؟ أما خدمتُكَ لآخذَ راحيلَ؟ فلماذا خدعْتني؟» 26 فأجابَ لابانُ: «في بلادِنا لا تـتزوَّجُ الصُّغرى قَبلَ الكُبرى. 27 أكمِلْ أسبوعَ زواجِكَ مِنْ لَيئةَ، فأُعطيَكَ راحيلَ أيضا بَدلَ سَبْعِ سِنينَ أُخرى مِنَ الخدمةِ عندي». 28 فوافقَ يعقوبُ وأكمَلَ أُسبوعَ زواجهِ مِنْ لَيئةَ، فأعطاهُ لابانُ راحيلَ ا‏مرأةً لَه. 29 ووَهبَ لابانُ جاريتَه بِلْهةَ جاريةً لراحيلَ. 30 فدخَلَ يعقوبُ على راحيلَ أيضا وأحبَّها أكثرَ مِنْ لَيئةَ. وعادَ فخدمَ عِندَ لابانَ سَبْعَ سِنينَ أُخرى.
بنو يعقوب
31 ورأى الرّبُّ أنَّ لَيئةَ مكروهَةٌ فجعَلَها وَلودا‌ وأمَّا راحيلُ فكانَت عاقرا. 32 فحَبِلت لَيئةُ وولدتِ ا‏بنا وسمَّتْهُ رَأوبـينَ‌، لأنَّها قالت: «رأى الرّبُّ عَنائي، والآنَ يُحبُّني زوجي» 33 وحبِلت أيضا وولدتِ ا‏بنا فقالت: «سَمِعَ الربُّ أنِّي مكروهةٌ، فرزقَني هذا أيضا»، وسَمَّتْهُ شِمعونَ‌. 34 وحَبِلت أيضا وولدتِ ا‏بنا فقالت: «الآنَ يلوي‌ عليَّ قلبُ زوجي، لأنِّي وَلَدتُ ثلاثةَ بَنينَ». وسمَّتْهُ لاوي. 35 وحَبِلت أيضا وولدتِ ا‏بنا وقالت: «الآنَ أُقِرُّ بفضلِ الرّبِّ». فسَمَّتْهُ يَهوذا‌، وتوقَّفَت عنِ الوِلادةِ.
Jacob Arrives at Laban's Home
1 As Jacob continued on his way to the east, 2 he looked out in a field and saw a well where shepherds took their sheep for water. Three flocks of sheep were lying around the well, which was covered with a large rock. 3 Shepherds would roll the rock away when all their sheep had gathered there. Then after the sheep had been watered, the shepherds would roll the rock back over the mouth of the well.
4 Jacob asked the shepherds, “Where are you from?”
“We're from Haran,” they answered.
5 Then he asked, “Do you know Nahor's grandson Laban?”
“Yes we do,” they replied.
6 “How is he?” Jacob asked.
“He's fine,” they answered. “And here comes his daughter Rachel with the sheep.”
7 Jacob told them, “Look, the sun is still high up in the sky, and it's too early to bring in the rest of the flocks. Water your sheep and take them back to the pasture.”
8 But they replied, “We can't do that until they all get here, and the rock has been rolled away from the well.”
9 While Jacob was still talking with the men, his cousin Rachel came up with her father's sheep. 10 When Jacob saw her and his uncle's sheep, he rolled the rock away and watered the sheep. 11 He then kissed Rachel and started crying because he was so happy. 12 He told her that he was the son of her aunt Rebekah, and she ran and told her father about him.
13 As soon as Laban heard the news, he ran out to meet Jacob. He hugged and kissed him and brought him to his home, where Jacob told him everything that had happened. 14 Laban said, “You are my nephew, and you are like one of my own family.”
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel
After Jacob had been there for a month, 15 Laban said to him, “You shouldn't have to work without pay, just because you are a relative of mine. What do you want me to give you?”
16-17 Laban had two daughters. Leah was older than Rachel, but her eyes didn't sparkle, while Rachel was beautiful and had a good figure. 18 Since Jacob was in love with Rachel, he answered, “If you will let me marry Rachel, I'll work seven years for you.”
19 Laban replied, “It's better for me to let you marry Rachel than for someone else to have her. So stay and work for me.” 20 Jacob worked seven years for Laban, but the time seemed like only a few days, because he loved Rachel so much.
21 Jacob said to Laban, “The time is up, and I want to marry Rachel now!” 22 So Laban gave a big feast and invited all their neighbors. 23 But that evening he brought Leah to Jacob, who married her and spent the night with her. 24 Laban also gave Zilpah to Leah as her servant woman.
25 The next morning Jacob found out that he had married Leah, and he asked Laban, “Why did you do this to me? Didn't I work to get Rachel? Why did you trick me?”
26 Laban replied, “In our country the older daughter must get married first. 27 After you spend this week with Leah, you may also marry Rachel. But you will have to work for me another seven years.”
28-30 At the end of the week of celebration, Laban let Jacob marry Rachel, and he gave her his servant woman Bilhah. Jacob loved Rachel more than he did Leah, but he had to work another seven years for Laban.
31 The Lord knew that Jacob loved Rachel more than he did Leah, and so he gave children to Leah, but not to Rachel. 32 Leah gave birth to a son and named him Reuben. Then she said, “The Lord has taken away my sorrow. Now my husband will love me more than he does Rachel.” 33 She had a second son and named him Simeon, because she said, “The Lord has heard that my husband doesn't love me.” 34 When Leah's third son was born, she said, “Now my husband will hold me close.” So this son was named Levi. 35 She had one more son and named him Judah, because she said, “I'll praise the Lord!”