1 هذِهِ الوُعودُ وهَبَها اللهُ لنا، أيّها الإخوةُ، فلنُطَهّرْ أنفُسَنا مِنْ كُلّ ما يُدنّسُ الجَسَدَ والرّوحَ، ساعينَ إلى القَداسَةِ الكامِلَةِ في مَخافَةِ اللهِ.
2 اَفسَحوا لنا مكانًا في قُلوبِكُم، فما أسأْنا إلى أحَدٍ ولا آذَينا أحَدًا ولا اَحتَلنا على أحَدٍ. 3 لا أقولُ هذا لأَدينَكُم، لأنّي قُلتُ لكُم مِنْ قَبلُ إنّكُم في قُلوبِنا لِنَعيشَ معًا أو نَموتَ معًا. 4 فأنا عَظيمُ الثّقَةِ بِكُم وكثيرُ الافتِخارِ. ومعَ كُلّ مَصاعِبِنا، فقَلبـي مُمتَلِـئٌ بِالعَزاءِ فائِضٌ فَرَحًا.
5 فما عرَفَ جَسَدُنا الرّاحَةَ عِندَ وصولِنا إلى مكدونِـيّةَ، بَلْ كانَت المَصاعِبُ تُواجِهُنا مِنْ كُلّ جِهةٍ: صِراعٌ في الخارِجِ ومَخاوِفُ في الدّاخِلِ. 6 ولكِنّ اللهَ الذي يُعزّي المُتّضِعينَ عَزّانا بِمَجيءِ تيطُسَ، 7 لا بِمَجيئِهِ فَقط، بَلْ بالعَزاءِ الذي نالَهُ مِنكم. واَزدادَ سُروري بِما أخبَرَنا عَنْ شَوقِكُم وحُزنِكُم وغَيرتِكم علَيّ.
8 فإذا كُنتُ أحزَنتُكُم بِرِسالتي، فما أنا نادِمٌ على أنّي كَتَبتُها. وإذا نَدِمتُ، حينَ رأيتُ أنّها أحزَنَتكُم لَحظَةً، 9 فأنا أفرَحُ الآنَ، لا لأنّي أحزَنتُكُم، بَلْ لأنّ حُزنَكم جَعلَكُم تَتوبونَ. وهوَ حُزنٌ مِنَ اللهِ، فما نالَكُم مِنّا أيّةُ خَسارَةٍ. 10 لأنّ الحُزنَ الذي مِنَ اللهِ يُؤدّي إلى تَوبَةٍ فيها خَلاصٌ ولا ندَمَ علَيها، وأمّا الحُزنُ الذي مِنَ الدّنيا فيُؤدّي إلى الموتِ. 11 فاَنظُروا كيفَ أدّى هذا الحُزنُ الذي مِنَ اللهِ إلى اَهتِمامِكُم بِنا، بَل اَعتِذارِكُم واَستِنكارِكُم وخَوفِكُم وشَوقِكُم وغَيرَتِكُم وعِقابِكُم! وبَرهَنتُم في كُلّ شيءٍ على أنّكُم أبرِياءُ مِنْ كُلّ ما حَدَثَ. 12 فأنا ما كَتَبتُ إلَيكُم، إذًا، مِنْ أجلِ الظّالِمِ ولا مِنْ أجلِ المَظـلومِ، بَلْ لِتَظهَرَ لكُمْ أمامَ اللهِ شِدّةُ اَهتِمامِكُم بِنا، 13 فكانَ عَزاؤُكُم عَزاءً لَنا.
ويُضافُ إلى عَزائِنا هَذا اَزديادُ سُرورِنا كثيرًا بِفرَحِ تيطُسَ، لأنّهُ لَقِـيَ مِنكُم جميعًا ما أراحَ بالَهُ. 14 وإذا كنتُ أظهَرتُ لَه اَفتِخاري بِكم، فأنا لا أخجَلُ بِه. فكَما صَدَقْنا في كُلّ ما قُلناهُ لكُم، فكذلِكَ صَدَقْنا في اَفتِخارِنا بِكُم لَدى تيطُسَ. 15 ويَزدادُ قَلبُهُ مَحبّةً لكُم، كُلّما تَذكّرَ طاعَتَكُم جميعًا وكيفَ قبِلتُموهُ بخَوفٍ ورِعدَةٍ. 16 وكَمْ يَسُرّني أنْ أثِقَ بِكُمْ في كُلّ شيءٍ.
1 My friends, God has made us these promises. So we should stay away from everything that keeps our bodies and spirits from being clean. We should honor God and try to be completely like him.
The Church Makes Paul Happy
2 Make a place for us in your hearts! We haven't mistreated or hurt anyone. We haven't cheated anyone. 3 I am not saying this to be hard on you. But, as I have said before, you will always be in our thoughts, whether we live or die. 4 I trust you completely. I am always proud of you, and I am greatly encouraged. In all my trouble I am still very happy.
5 After we came to Macedonia, we didn't have any chance to rest. We were faced with all kinds of problems. We were troubled by enemies and troubled by fears. 6 But God cheers up people in need, and this is what he did when he sent Titus to us. 7 Of course, we were glad to see Titus, but what really made us glad is the way you cheered him up. He told how sorry you were and how concerned you were about me. And this made me even happier.
8 I don't feel bad anymore, even though my letter hurt your feelings. I did feel bad at first, but I don't now. I know that the letter hurt you for a while. 9 Now I am happy, but not because I hurt your feelings. It is because God used your hurt feelings to make you turn back to him, and none of you were harmed by us. 10 When God makes you feel sorry enough to turn to him and be saved, you don't have anything to feel bad about. But when this world makes you feel sorry, it can cause your death.
11 Just look what God has done by making you feel sorry! You sincerely want to prove you are innocent. You are angry. You are shocked. You are eager to see that justice is done. You have proved that you were completely right in this matter. 12 When I wrote you, it wasn't to accuse the one who was wrong or to take up for the one who was hurt. I wrote, so God would show you how much you do care for us. 13 And we were greatly encouraged.
Although we were encouraged, we felt even better when we saw how happy Titus was, because you had shown he had nothing to worry about. 14 We had told him how much we thought of you, and you did not disappoint us. Just as we have always told you the truth, so everything we told him about you has also proved to be true. 15 Titus loves all of you very much, especially when he remembers how you obeyed him and how you trembled with fear when you welcomed him. 16 It makes me really glad to know I can depend on you.