1 إقتَدوا بـي مِثلَما أقتَدي أنا بالمَسيحِ.
تغطية الرأس
2 أمدَحُكُم لأنّكُم تَذكُروني دَومًا وتُحافِظونَ على التّقاليدِ كما سَلّمْتُها إلَيكُم. 3 لكِنّي أُريدُ أنْ تَعرِفوا أنّ المَسيحَ رأْسُ الرّجُلِ، والرّجُلَ رأْسُ المرأةِ، والله رأْسُ المَسيحِ. 4 فكُلّ رَجُلٍ يُصَلّي أو يَتَنَــبّأُ وهوَ مُغَطّى الرّأْسِ يُهينُ رأْسَهُ، أيِ المَسيحَ، 5 وكُلّ اَمرأةٍ تُصلّي أو تَتَنــبّأُ وهِـيَ مَكشوفَةُ الرّأْسِ تُهينُ رأْسَها، أيِ الرّجُلَ، كما لَو كانَت مَحلوقَةَ الشّعرِ. 6 وإذا كانَتِ المرأةُ لا تُغَطّي رأْسَها، فأَولى بِها أنْ تَقُصّ شَعرَها، ولكن إذا كانَ مِنَ العارِ على المرأةِ أنْ تَقُصّ شَعرَها أو تَحلِقَهُ، فعلَيها أنْ تُغَطّيَ رأْسَها. 7 ولا يَجوزُ لِلرّجُلِ أنْ يُغَطّيَ رأْسَهُ لأنّهُ صُورَةُ اللهِ ويَعكِسُ مَجدَهُ، وأمّا المرأةُ فتَعكِسُ مَجدَ الرّجُلِ. 8 فَما الرّجُلُ مِنَ المرأةِ، بَلِ المرأةُ مِنَ الرّجُلِ، 9 وما خَلَقَ اللهُ الرّجُلَ مِنْ أجلِ المرأةِ، بَل خَلَقَ المرأةَ مِنْ أجلِ الرّجُلِ. 10 لذلِكَ يَجِبُ علـى المرأةِ أنْ تُغطّيَ رأسَها علامَةَ الخُضوعِ، مِنْ أجلِ المَلائِكَةِ. 11 ففي الرّبّ لا تكون المرأةُ مِنْ دونِ الرّجُلِ، ولا الرّجُلُ مِنْ دون المرأةِ. 12 لأنّهُ إذا كانَتِ المرأةُ مِنَ الرّجُلِ، فالرّجُلُ تَلِدُهُ المرأةُ، وكُلّ شيءٍ مِنَ اللهِ.
13 فاَحكُموا أنتُم لأنفُسِكُم: هَلْ يَليقَ بِالمرأةِ أنْ تُصَلّيَ للهِ وهِيَ مَكشوفَةُ الرّأْسِ؟ 14 أما تُعَلّمُكُمُ الطّبـيعَةُ نَفسُها أنّهُ مِنَ العارِ على الرّجُلِ أنْ يُطيلَ شَعرَهُ، 15 ولكِنْ مِنَ الفَخرِ لِلمرأةِ أنْ تُطيلَ شَعرَها؟ لأنّ اللهَ جَعَلَ الشّعرَ سِترًا لها. 16 فإنْ أرادَ أحَدٌ أنْ يُعارِضَ، فما هذا مِنْ عادَتِنا ولا مِنْ عادَةِ كنائِسِ اللهِ.
عشاء الرب
(متى 26‏:26‏-29، مرقس 14‏:22‏-25، لوقا 22‏:14‏-20)
17 لكِنّي في ما يَتبَعُ مِنَ الوصايا لا أمدَحُكُم، لأنّ اَجتِماعاتِكُم تَضُرّ أكثَرَ مِمّا تَنفَعُ. 18 فأوّلُ كُلّ شيءٍ، بَلَغَني أنّكُم حينَ تَجتَمِـعُ كَنيسَتُكُم تَنقَسِمونَ شِيَعًا. وأنا أُصدّقُ هذا بَعضَ التّصديقِ، 19 لأنّهُ لا بُدّ مِنَ البِدَعِ فيما بَينَكُم لِـيَظهَرَ فيكُم الثّابِتونَ في الإيمانِ. 20 وأنتُم لا تأكلونَ عَشاءَ الرّبّ حينَ تَجتَمِعونَ، 21 بَلْ يأكُلُ كُلّ واحِدٍ مِنكُم عَشاءَهُ الخاصَ، فيَجوعُ بَعضُكُم ويَسكَرُ آخَرونَ. 22 أما لكُم بُيوتٌ تأكُلونَ فيها وتَشرَبونَ؟ أم إنّكُم تَستَخِفّونَ بِكَنيسَةِ اللهِ وتُهينونَ الفُقَراءَ؟ فَماذا أقولُ لكُم؟ هَلْ أمدَحُكُم؟ لا، أنا لا أمدَحُكُم في هذا الأمرِ.
23 فأنا مِنَ الرّبّ تَسَلّمتُ ما سَلّمتُهُ إلَيكُم، وهوَ أنّ الرّبّ يَسوعَ في اللّيلَةِ التي أُسلِمَ فيها أخَذَ خُبزًا 24 وشكَرَ وكَسَرهُ وقالَ: «هذا هوَ جَسَدي، إنّه لأجلِكُم. إعمَلوا هذا لِذِكري». 25 وكذلِكَ أخَذَ الكأسَ بَعدَ العَشاءِ وقالَ: «هذِهِ الكأسُ هِيَ العَهدُ الجَديدُ بِدَمي. كُلّما شَرِبتُم، فاَعمَلوا هذا لِذِكري». 26 فأنتُم كُلّما أكَلتُم هذا الخُبزَ وشَرِبتُم هذِهِ الكأسَ تُخبِرونَ بِمَوتِ الرّبّ إلى أنْ يَجيءَ. 27 فمَنْ أكَلَ خُبزَ الرّبّ أو شَرِبَ كأسَهُ وما كانَ أهلاً لَهما خَطِـئَ إلى جسَدِ الرّبّ ودَمِهِ.
28 فليَمتَحِنْ كُلّ واحِدٍ نَفسَهُ، ثُمّ يأكُل مِنْ هذا الخُبزِ ويَشرَب مِنْ هذِهِ الكأْسِ، 29 لأنّ مَنْ أكَلَ وشَرِبَ وهوَ لا يُراعي جسَدَ الرّبّ، أكَلَ وشَرِبَ الحُكمَ على نَفسِهِ. 30 ولذلِكَ كَثُرَ فيكُمُ المَرضى والضّعَفاءُ وماتَ بَعضُكُم. 31 فلَو كُنّا نَمتحِنُ أنفُسَنا، لتَجَنّبنا الحُكمَ علَينا. 32 ولكِنّ الرّبّ يَحكُمُ علَينا ويُؤدّبُنا لِئَلاّ يَدينَنا معَ سائِرِ العالَمِ.
33 فمَتى اَجتَمَعتُم يا إخوَتي لِتناولِ العَشاءِ، فلْيَنتَظِرْ بَعضُكُم بَعضًا. 34 وإذا كانَ أحدُكُم جائِعًا فليأْكُلْ في بَيتِه، لِئَلاّ يكونَ اَجتِماعُكُم سَبَــبًا لِلحُكمِ علَيكُم. أمّا ما بَقِـيَ مِنَ المَسائِلِ، فعِندَ مَجيئي أنْظُر فيها.
1 You must follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
Rules for Worship
2 I am proud of you, because you always remember me and obey the teachings I gave you. 3 Now I want you to know that Christ is the head of all men, and a man is the head of a woman. But God is the head of Christ. 4 This means that any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head brings shame to his head.
5 But any woman who prays or prophesies without something on her head brings shame to her head. In fact, she may as well shave her head. 6 A woman should wear something on her head. It is a disgrace for a woman to shave her head or cut her hair. But if she refuses to wear something on her head, let her cut off her hair.
7 Men were created to be like God and to bring honor to God. This means a man should not wear anything on his head. Women were created to bring honor to men. 8 It was the woman who was made from a man, and not the man who was made from a woman. 9 He wasn't created for her. She was created for him. 10 And so, because of this, and also because of the angels, a woman ought to wear something on her head, as a sign of her authority.
11 As far as the Lord is concerned, men and women need each other. 12 It is true that the first woman came from a man, but all other men have been given birth by women. Yet God is the one who created everything. 13 Ask yourselves if it is proper for a woman to pray without something on her head. 14 Isn't it unnatural and disgraceful for men to have long hair? 15 But long hair is a beautiful way for a woman to cover her head. 16 This is how things are done in all of God's churches, and this is why none of you should argue about what I have said.
Rules for the Lord's Supper
17 Your worship services do you more harm than good. I am certainly not going to praise you for this. 18 I am told you can't get along with each other when you worship, and I am sure that some of what I have heard is true. 19 You are bound to argue with each other, but it is easy to see which of you have God's approval.
20 When you meet together, you don't really celebrate the Lord's Supper. 21 You even start eating before everyone gets to the meeting, and some of you go hungry, while others get drunk. 22 Don't you have homes where you can eat and drink? Do you hate God's church? Do you want to embarrass people who don't have anything? What can I say to you? I certainly cannot praise you.
The Lord's Supper
(Matthew 26.26-29Mark 14.22-25Luke 22.14-20)
23 I have already told you what the Lord Jesus did on the night he was betrayed. And it came from the Lord himself.
He took some bread in his hands. 24 Then after he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this and remember me.”
25 After the meal, Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and said, “This is my blood, and with it God makes his new agreement with you. Drink this and remember me.”
26 The Lord meant that when you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you tell about his death until he comes.
27 But if you eat the bread and drink the wine in a way that isn't worthy of the Lord, you sin against his body and blood. 28 This is why you must examine the way you eat and drink. 29 If you fail to understand that you are the body of the Lord, you will condemn yourselves by the way you eat and drink. 30 This is why many of you are sick and weak and why a lot of others have died. 31 If we carefully judge ourselves, we won't be punished. 32 But when the Lord judges and punishes us, he does it to keep us from being condemned with the rest of the world.
33 My dear friends, you should wait until everyone gets there before you start eating. 34 If you really are hungry, you can eat at home. Then you won't condemn yourselves when you meet together.
After I arrive, I will instruct you about the other matters.