Our Lord Is King
1 Our Lord, you are King!
You rule from your throne
above the winged creatures,
as people tremble
and the earth shakes.
2 You are praised in Zion,
and you control all nations.
3 Only you are God!
And your power alone,
so great and fearsome,
is worthy of praise.
4 You are our mighty King,
a lover of fairness,
who sees that justice is done
everywhere in Israel.
5 Our Lord and our God,
we praise you
and kneel down to worship you,
the God of holiness!

6 Moses and Aaron were two
of your priests.
Samuel was also one of those
who prayed in your name,
and you, our Lord,
answered their prayers.
7 You spoke to them
from a thick cloud,
and they obeyed your laws.

8 Our Lord and our God,
you answered their prayers
and forgave their sins,
but when they did wrong,
you punished them.
9 We praise you, Lord God,
and we worship you
at your sacred mountain.
Only you are God!
Ps 97Ps 95.
1 L’Éternel règne: les peuples tremblent;
Il est assis sur les chérubins: la terre chancelle.
2 L’Éternel est grand dans Sion,
Il est élevé au-dessus de tous les peuples.
3 Qu’on célèbre ton nom grand et redoutable!
Il est saint!
4 Qu’on célèbre la force du roi qui aime la justice!
Tu affermis la droiture,
Tu exerces en Jacob la justice et l’équité.
5 Exaltez l’Éternel, notre Dieu,
Et prosternez-vous devant son marchepied!
Il est saint!
6 Moïse et Aaron parmi ses sacrificateurs,
Et Samuel parmi ceux qui invoquaient son nom,
Invoquèrent l’Éternel, et il les exauça.
7 Il leur parla dans la colonne de nuée;
Ils observèrent ses commandements
Et la loi qu’il leur donna.
8 Éternel, notre Dieu, tu les exauças,
Tu fus pour eux un Dieu qui pardonne,
Mais tu les as punis de leurs fautes.
9 Exaltez l’Éternel, notre Dieu,
Et prosternez-vous sur sa montagne sainte!
Car il est saint, l’Éternel, notre Dieu!