This project has been necessitated by the fact that Senegal Wolof and Gambia Wolof are two different languages with different language codes (wol) for Senegalese language and (wof) for Gambian language. There are only Bible portions (1882-1967) in Gambian Wolof.
Why the Wolof Bible Matters for Gambia Language Translation
The vast majority of the Wolof people are Muslims but more than half of the population speaks Wolof as it is mainly used in the market together with Mandinka. The people in The Gambia find it difficult to understand the majority of the Wolof speakers from Senegal. They also find it difficult to read the translated text in Wolof. For this reason, Gambia was asked to do a Translation that will be clearly understood by all in The Gambia known as The Gambian Bible Translation in Wolof. This request was made during the days of Dr Robert Koops and even though the go-ahead was given, it was never implemented. This project will promote scriptural engagement among the Wolof people and the Churches. Presently, sermons or teachings and songs are done in Wolof in the Catholic churches and other Pentecostal and Evangelical churches. It will also encourage literacy in the Wolof language if the speakers have the Bible translated into Wolof. The project is going to be in two phases. The first phase is the translation and production of the New Testament while the second phase is translation and production of the Old Testament and the Deuterocanonical books.
Also read about the Mandinka Bible, the King James Version, and the Revised Standard Version.
Read more about what is the Bible.